Welcome to Pregnancy and Infant Loss Ireland; a directory of support services and knowledge for both bereaved parents and healthcare professionals.
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Connecting parents and staff with knowledge and information

Aim of this website
This site aims to signpost bereaved parents and healthcare staff to support structures and knowledge about pregnancy and infant loss, in an Irish context. It is intended for use by both parents and healthcare professionals and is an output of The National Standards for Bereavement Care Following Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal Death.
Knowledge Centre
Access up-to-date information and resources
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical Practice Guidelines
The Health Service Executive in conjunction with the Institute of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists have produced Clinical Care Guidelines which address all the types of pregnancy loss and perinatal death. These guidelines (available here) provide clear guidance on the clinical management of women who experience pregnancy loss. Links to international clinical guidance is also available here.
The Health Service Executive in conjunction with the Institute of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists have produced Clinical Care Guidelines which address all the types of pregnancy loss and perinatal death. These guidelines (available here) provide clear guidance on the clinical management of women who experience pregnancy loss. Links to international clinical guidance is also available here.
National reports on perinatal mortality and clinical reviews are among a large selection of reports available here. These reports will be of interest to those involved in bereavement care as they identify good practice and give recommendations for practice improvement
National reports on perinatal mortality and clinical reviews are among a large selection of reports available here. These reports will be of interest to those involved in Bereavement care as they identify good practice and give recommendations for practice improvement
Staff Education
Staff Education
As part of the Implementation of the National Standards for Bereavement Care Following Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal Death document on Perinatal Bereavement Education Standards was produced. This document sets out what education every level of healthcare staff should receive. All bereavement education courses available in Ireland are listed here.
As part of the Implementation of the National Standards for Bereavement Care Following Pregnancy Loss and Perinatal Death document on Perinatal Bereavement Education Standards was produced. This document sets out what education every level of healthcare staff should receive. All bereavement education courses available in Ireland are listed here.